Story time!
I was about 2 months pregnant with my daughter when I became aware of all the harmful ingredients used in conventional deodorants.
I knew immediately: it was time to ditch them forever. How could something as simple as what I'm swiping under my arms every day not only affect MY health so poorly but also affect the next generation I was about to bring into the world?
Welp. This is the world we live in. (Most) companies care more about their profits than they ever will about social responsibility, and deodorants produced by said companies are LACED with ingredients that we shouldn't touch with a ten foot pole.
Which ingredients are a problem, exactly?
- Aluminum – Linked to Alzheimer’s and heavy metal toxicity, it literally blocks your pores from sweating (antiperspirant). Why are we stopping a natural bodily process?
- Triclosan – Linked to liver toxicity and thyroid disorders, its a chemical ingredient with antibacterial properties. Its first use was as a pesticide in the 1960s - does that sound normal to you?
- Parabens – Endocrine disruptors linked to breast cancer, they are chemicals used as preservatives to ward off things like fungi, yeast, & bacteria that shorten the products' shelf life. But fresher is better in our book.
- Phthalates – Endocrine disruptors linked to birth defects, they are chemicals used in deodorants to help the fragrance stick to the skin. But we don't want fragrances anyways, why.... well cuz....
- Fragrance – Endocrine disrupting chemical cocktails linked to skin sensitivities, irritations, migraines, nausea, difficulty breathing, and more. Yikes.
All THAT said, clearly the choice to ditch these health-destroying products was easy.... but the journey that followed was hard.
If you've ever had a baby or known a mother, you probably know, postpartum B.O. is no joke. Yes, it's for a biologically AMAZING reason - new mothers produce stronger odors to make it easier for their infants to find their way to the breast to nurse. But man, it gets unbearable sometimes.
LONG story short:
It took me about two years to get this one right. I started with store bought "natural" deodorants, with no luck. I still smelled like a monkey and got some crazy rashes, no thanks. That turned into experimenting with things in my kitchen, like lemon juice, vinegar, etc.... but although more effective, I was still suffering from skin irritations.
In my search for a solution I read about every natural antibacterial ingredient you could imagine, concocted more sample formulas than I can even begin keep track of, tested on myself, friends, and all the "stinky men" I could find willing to volunteer. I felt like an actual mad scientist, relentless in my quest (actual photo of me below). And finally, I landed on something unbelievable.
Cuz who the heck said deodorant needs to be in a stick, anyways? I hope y'all enjoy it as much as we do, and I hope you finally find your "forever" with this truly clean, non toxic deodorant that actually works.
Here's a little breakdown of a few of its key ingredients:
- Kaolin Clay - A natural detoxifying clay that pulls out toxins from the skin
- Arrowroot Powder - A natural ingredient with powerful moisture-absorbing properties that also softens and nourishes delicate skin
- Beeswax - With powerful antiviral, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergenic and antibacterial benefits, it seals in moisture for lasting hydration, helps skin heal at the cellular level, and protects skin from infection + irritation.
- Coconut Oil – Rich in antibacterial, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory benefits, Coconut Oil helps keep skin clear of harmful bacteria, prevents odors, calms inflammation and moisturizes the skin.
Click HERE to see the full ingredient list.